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Welcome to westcoastsail.com - Vancouver Island's Online Sailing Community

I would like to personally introduce you to Vancouver Island's new, online sailing community!


Westcoastsail.com is the product of Carbonize Hypermedia, a Victoria-based web development firm (that just happens to be full of sailors!). Our mission is to create a medium for communication and growth within the local sailing community, to bind sailors and the sailing industry together under one cohesive website, and to create a single comprehensive, online resource.


In creating westcoastsail.com, we spent months researching the global sailing community, and I'm confident we hit virtually every sailing website in the G8 nations! The result of our research is what you see in these pages. It is meant to be complete, comprehensive and professional. If we missed anything - I personally want to know!


More importantly, after searching the globe to give you a "best of net" resource, we plan to bring you something much more valuable - your own knowledge. As anyone who has been sailing around the Islands can tell you, some of the best sailing resources in the world are right here in our waters, and if we can provide a medium for sharing that knowledge, then we've done our job.


Although we offer something special to sailing and yacht clubs (the backbone of our local sailing community), we are here for the entire marine population. People have been asking us to build this site for years, so we finally took the helm and made it happen! You can thank us later.


As we continue to develop westcoastsail.com, I invite you to get your fingers clicking through the depths of our site and really get involved. There are plenty of opportunities for both novice and expert sailors to contribute. Whether you are submitting an article, participating in the interactive online forum, or simply browsing our comprehensive business directory, you are helping build the next generation of active, online sailors of Vancouver Island and beyond.


We are open 24/7 for your sailing enjoyment - come in and stay a while!


Jeff Dorion
Business Development

Foredeck Crew, Fast Forward - SNSYC
