Brian Mackie - Sonar World Champion (Interview)The editorial team bring you an exclusive interview with Brian Mackie, skipper for the Canadian National Sonar Team, current Sonar World Champions. Read on...
When did you get involved in sailing?
Brian Mackie: 25 years ago.
westcoastsail: Was it prior to or since your injury?
Brian Mackie: Just after.
westcoastsail: Who are your team mates?
Brian Mackie: Brian MacDonald, Paul Tingley, David Williams and Don Martin.
westcoastsail: How and when did you get connected?
Brian Mackie: Through Royal Vancouver Yacht Club; David, Don and I have been members
for 22 years or more.
westcoastsail: What positions do each of the members play on your boat?
Brian Mackie: I'm the helmsman, Paul is on the main, with Brian on jib.
westcoastsail: Where do you train out of?
Brian Mackie: Royal Vancouver YC but since Paul and I live here [Victoria] we also
sail out of CFSA [Canadian Forces Sailing Association].
westcoastsail: Do you have a coach?
Brian Mackie: Don Martin. David Williams is a coach/manager.
westcoastsail: What type of boat do you race?
Brian Mackie: Sonar.
westcoastsail: What associations and/or local clubs are you and your team mates affiliated
Brian Mackie: RVYC [Royal Vancouver Yacht Club], CFSA [Canadian Forces Sailing Association]
and DSA [Disabled Sailing Association].
westcoastsail: Where is your team at competitively?
Brian Mackie: We are the current world champions!!
westcoastsail: It is my understanding that you won the World's last year. Where was
Brian Mackie: St. Petersburg Yacht Club, Florida.
westcoastsail: When was it?
Brian Mackie: Last two weeks of October.
westcoastsail: How many other boats were competing for the title?
Brian Mackie: Seventeen.
westcoastsail: What have you been doing since the World's last year?
Brian Mackie: Strutting around!! No,seriously, we were back in St. Petes in February
for two weeks for the Sonar Midwinters and NOOD. I've heard mention of the Athens Olympics in 2004. What needs to happen
for your team to get there?
Brian Mackie: To represent Canada we have to win the National Qualifying Regatta in 2003. There'll be at least one other Victoria team, maybe two, and also teams from back east.
westcoastsail: Tell us about your training schedule on and off the water.
Brian Mackie: We'll do all the local regattas in Victoria and Vancouver this spring and summer. Paul and I will also do Wednesday nights at CFSA. We also have several weekends dedicated to on the water training. We're off to Holland in September for the 2002 World Championships. We all hit the gym 2/3 times week for strength training. I ride my bike to work all year round for aerobic conditioning.
westcoastsail: Does your boat have any special adaptations to accommodate you and/or
your team mates?
Brian Mackie: We have a bench that fits into the cockpit so Brian and Paul can slide across.
westcoastsail: What is it about sailing that attracts you personally to the sport?
Brian Mackie: The cold beer! OK, the official national team member answer: the competition, the tactics, the strategy, the teamwork, the elements (wind, water), the sheer physicality of bashing around in a sailboat all day, and it's something that I can still do really well. And at the end of a long day: the cold beer!
westcoastsail: Short term and long term goals for yourself and your team. Is Athens
the end, or just the beginning?
Brian Mackie: Right now the focus is the last race of the last day in Athens!
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