Sidney Annual International Boat Race (SAIBR)
This will be a Fun Regatta. Entries are open to all classes of yachts - the intent is to have as many boats as possible. If you have a PHRF(NW) rating, we plan to have one flying sails division (A), and one non flying sails division (B). If you don't have a PHRF rating, then we will accept a club rating or we will assign an unofficial rating - to form one non flying sails (non PHRF) division (C). Division splits will be finalized dependent on the number of entries.
Registration forms and additional information will be posted on the SAIBR web site:
The SAIBR Sailboat Registration Forms will also available at the SNSYC
clubhouse (phone 250-656-4600). For further information, you may also
contact Koit Teng at 250-656-2273 or Alan Currie at 250-386-0931.
-Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club
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