Nanaimo Yacht Club
the NYC
A historic maritime city located in central Vancouver Island, Nanaimo
is closely associated with the sea.
The Nanaimo Yacht Club is an integral part of this community, with
aproximately 750 members who enjoy benefits such as a modern clubhouse
and first rate moorage.
By volunteering for administrative and maintenance positions the members
have achieved a 1st class facility and very attractive rates.
The Nanaimo Yacht Club is clearly indicated on the Nanaimo Harbour
chart at the south end of Newcastle Channel and just north west of the
main anchorage.
If you live in the Nanaimo area within 10 nautical miles of the Nanaimo
Yacht Club in the area bounded by the waters of Nanoose Harbour, the
Strait of Georgia, Northumberland Channel, and would like to become
a member please contact us.
Message From the Commodore
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Nanaimo Yacht Club. Please
visit our Clubhouse as well as our moorage facilities and amenities.
A brief history of Nanaimo Yacht Club is as follows:
- Formed in 1931 and secured the current site in 1932.
- International Outboard Regatta held in Nanaimo Harbour in 1932.
- International Cruiser Race initiated (Olympia, Washington to Nanaimo)
- 1933.
- New Clubhouse opened - 1934.
- Log breakwater installed - 1938.
- Last international Cruiser Race - 1958.
- First Christmas Carol Cruise - 1972.
- NYC Clubhouse demolished - 1975 and current Clubhouse opened - 1977.
- Cement Breakwaters installed - 1984.
- NYC Sail Training Program initiated - 1996.
- Moorage expanded to maximum area available - 1996.
- Outstation experiment at Pender Harbour - 2000.
- Expansion loan retired - 2001.
Nanaimo Yacht Club volunteer members repair and upgrade our docks,
sheds, electrical facilities, buildings and safety equipment. Active
member committees work on all facets of the Club's business ensuring
efficiency and success which has placed Nanaimo Yacht Club in such an
enviable state.
If you are within a 16 km radius from the centre of Nanaimo (actual
limits are available at clubhouse office) you are eligible to become
a member. While Membership is limited due to a membership total versus
a total moorage ratio, we are currently accepting new members. Application
forms are available at the Clubhouse.
Our lounge is open every Friday evening at 7:30. Please do not hesitate
to drop in and enjoy the friendly atmosphere. Hopefully we'll meet and
if not, "Fair winds and Pleasant Boating."
Mike Howard
Nanaimo Yacht Club
Contact Us:
Yacht Club
Brenda Thompson - Vice Commodore
PO Box 432
Nanaimo, BC
V9R 5L3
phone: (250) 754-7011
email: wcsail@telus.net
website: http://www.nanaimoyc.ca/index.htm