Canoe Bay Sailing Club
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(all material taken from CBSA 2001
Notice To Members
1. DNF's not reporting will be scored DSQ.
3. Start Committee will endeavor to monitor Channel 9.
4. Hail your sail number to the starters before the 15-minute flag.
5. Want more competition? You may race in a division faster than your
rating, by notifying the Handicapper and the Results Committee in writing
of your intention. This will apply from January to June and September
to December and covers all races in these periods except invitational
or joint events.
6. Starters. All member skippers may be required to take a turn starting
a race about once every year. You may volunteer out of sequence for
a date most suitable to you. Remember when your time comes up - you
are the most important ingredient in the race.
7. Racing Classes require three (3) boats for a separate start (e.g.
Star, Soling, 6 meter) MTN 242.
8. Start times are shown in race instructions are for first start.
9. All divisions are same course unless otherwise signaled.
10. D.N.F. times apply when one or more boats in the division finish
within the time limit (a finishing Division I boat will NOT validate
D.N.F. times for Division II, etc.)
11. No results will be given unless dues are fully paid and requirements
of Membership Committee and the Handicapper are met in full.
12. Handicapper Note:
Handicapper will give all applications prior to racing results.
All changes in rig and sails must be given to the Handicapper for rating
All rating changes from standard class to NFS or sail size adjustment
will apply for complete series.
Handicapper must be notified one week prior to start of series.
13. Mail your application, signed waiver, rating form and $20 dues to
Canoe Bay Sailing Club, 870 Woodcreek Drive, North Saanich V8L 5K4.
14. Race Manual. Membership applications and notice of race may be
picked up at any time from the Canoe Bay box at 10176 Bowerbank Road,
Sidney, BC.
15. Dues to be paid by February 15, 2002.
16. If you wish to enter races such as the Swiftsure you must pay dues
to the Canadian Yachting Association
and to the BC Sailing Association.
17. The Canoe Bay Sailing Club is a member of the Pacific
International Yachting Association (PIYA). Support your rating organizations,
join PHRF - it can work
well for you.
Division Ratings:
- Division I: 0 - 175
- Division II: 176 - 218
- Division III: 219+
- NFS (No Flying Sails) boats to race in Division III
Race Results:
18. Race results will be posted on the club notice board on the Sidney
Wharf and online at www.westcoastsail.com/clubs/south
19. Prizes and Trophies for cruising classes only.
20. Committees for 2001:
- Invitational Events: Dave Carter, 478-0592
- Applications & Membership: Mary Lehan, 656-1891
- Marks, Buoys, and Starting Equip: Gordy Inglis
- Handicapping and Results (PHRF): Bob Bentham, 544-2155
- Race Results: Mary Lehan, 656-1891
- Starting Roster: Mary Lehan, 656-1891
Safety Recommendations:
21. Pacific International Yachting
Association (PIYA) Category II - A boat's equipment shall comply
with the current Canadian Coast Guard Boating Handbook, and lights
shall comply with the current Collision
Regulations as set by Transport Canada.
22. All persons participating in Canoe Bay Sailing Club's functions
do so entirely at their own risk.
23. All courses described present serious navigational hazards; consult
proper charts.
24. Course references to "red spar" or "green spar"
refer to Sidney Wharf red and green spars.
General Race Instructions
Rules in effect shall be:
- Club notices
- These race instructions
- Current IYRU rules as adopted by the CYA
- The PHRF Racing Rules,
as written in the current PHRF
Starting Sequence:
Follows at 5 minute intervals unless non-divisional start.
- White Shape: Warning signal Division I
- Blue Shape: Prepatory signal Division I / Warning signal Division
II and III
- Red Shape: Starting signal Division I / Prepatory signal Division
II and III
- Red Shape Repeat: Starting signal Division II and III
Recall Procedures:
General Recalls will be made by two (2) long blasts of the horn
and the hoisting of the yellow and blue flag ("First substitute"
code flag). The recalled Division will return from the racecourse to
permit subsequent Divisions to start at their proper times. The recalled
Division will be started five (5) minutes after the last start.
Individual Recalls will be signaled by one long blast of the
horn and the hoisting a white and blue flag ("X-ray" code
flag). A reasonable attempt at voice contact will be made from the signal
position. It is the responsibility of the yacht skipper to ensure a
fair start of his yacht and failure to hear or see an individual recall
from the Committee will result in a D.N.S (individual yachts making
restarts enjoy no special rights and must obey the standard starting
right-of-way rules).
Protests shall be made in accordance with the IYRU Rule 68.6(a); 24
hours shall be the prescribed time when the Start Committee has been
advised verbally within two (2) hours:
- Protest: Red (B)
- Postponement Flag: Red & White (Answering Pennant)
- General Recall: Yellow & Blue ("First Substitute")
- Individual Recall: White & Blue ("X-Ray")
- Abandon Race: White & Blue (N)
- Come within hailing distance: Black & Yellow (L)
Note: The 720° Rule applies to all races.
Special Race Instructions For
A, B, C, D Series,
Rum Race, Single Hand Race, and Optional Courses
1. Courses:
Courses will be chosen from the following list on race day according
to tide and weather conditions. A provision for short course finishes
is included.
2. Marks:
Numbered as follows:
- #1 Kerr Island mark
- #2 Sidney Spit mark
- #3 Sidney Channel red buoy
- #4 James Island mark
- #5 Green spar at Sidney Wharf (marked U5)
- #6 Red spar at Sidney Wharf (marked U6)
3. Rounding:
Letter "P" or letter "S" after mark numbers
- "P" - leave to port
- "S" - leave to starboard
4. Start Line:
The start line will be between the yellow flag or shape on the Sidney
Wharf and the first mark number given.
5. Finish Line:
The finish line will between the yellow flag or shape on the Sidney
Wharf and the last mark number given.
6. Horn Signals:
Five Horn blasts anytime prior to start indicates course change due
to condition change.
7. Course Signals:
Course for Division I will be indicated by black letter on orange on
the Sidney Wharf. Course for Division II and III will be indicated by
black letter on green on the Sidney Wharf. Note: Division I course may
be different from Division II and III.
8. Shortened Course:
The shortened course options will be at marks #5 or #6 only. Option
to shorten is indicated by an asterisk after #5 or #6 in the course
Shortened Course Signals:
- Division I: Orange flag above orange letter
- Division II: Green flag above green letter
- Division III: Orange and green stripped flag above green letter
9. Finish Time:
Time will be taken at all shortened course options and will apply if
the race subsequently goes DNF (by division).
Schedule of Events
"A" Series (Winter - Around the Buoys)
- Start Time: Saturday 12:00pm
- Best 3 of 4 races
- See the course and mark instructions
- Non-divisional start
"B" Series (Sidney Joint Series)
- Start Time: Sunday 11:00am
- This series is run in cooperation with SNSYC.
Individual race management will be SNSYC.
- See the course and mark instructions
- 720° Rule applies to all races
- Non-divisional start
"C" Series (Fall Series)
- Start Time: Saturday 12:00pm
- Best 4 of 5 races
- See the course and mark instructions
- Non-divisional start
"D" Series (Fall Series)
- Start Time: Saturday 10:00am
- Best 4 of 5 races
- See the course and mark instructions
- Non-divisional start
Note: Alternate courses may be signaled if planned course appears impossible.
Long Distance Races:
- Russell Island
- Mandarte Island
- Sidney Island
- Sidney-Hobart
- Zero Rock
- Cowichan Bay Invitational
- International Boundary Race
- Arachne Reef
- Single Handed Invitational Regatta
- Salt Spring Island
- Rum Race
>> click here for Race Courses <<
Trophies & Prizes
Divisional winners qualify to have their names engraved on perpetual
trophies in the following races: Russell Island, Sidney Island, Joint
Series, Sidney-Hobart, Zero Rock, International Boundary, Single Handed,
Saltspring Island, C/D Series Overall, and Cowichan Bay Overall. There
is also the Blue Gavel Trophy for the first boat home in the Saltspring
Island Race and trophies and prizes for each division in the Rum Race.
The Single Handed Race also has trophies to sixth place overall and
a series trophy should you care to enter.
Contact Us
Canoe Bay Sailing Club
c/o Mary Lehan
870 Woodcreek Drive
Sidney, BC V8L 5K4
phone: (250) 656-1891
Race Results | Club
Roster | Notice to Members | General
Race Instructions | Special Race Instructions
| Schedule of Events | Race
Courses | Trophies & Prizes | Contact